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Only subscribers have access to the opening dates and the link to my booking form.
By subscribing you will be notified when new appointments are available.

You can also receive other updates related to my work — tattoo pictures, shop updates, travel dates, Q&A, articles, exhibitions, etc. Don’t worry about your already full mailbox, these emails are not very frequent. :)

In the meantime, check my website for more information about my work and the booking process: www.danielelugli.com.

Subscribe to Daniele Lugli | Botanical art & Tattoo

Subscribe to be notified when I open my books for new tattoo appointments and receive (unfrequent) updates related to my work — tattoo pictures, shop updates, travel dates, Q&A, articles, etc. More info on my website www.danielelugli.com


Tattoo artist with a PhD, doing botanical art on skin. 🌿